SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Raleway

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Open Sans

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Montserrat

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes –  EB Garamond

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Merriweather

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Roboto

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Souce Sans Pro

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Noto Sans

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Lato

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – PT Sans

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Josephin Sans

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Rubik

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Cormorant

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Work Sans

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Oswald

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Lora

SI will work in manner that is expeditious, informal, and focused on core essentials to achieving its purposes – Karla